TRIPLE CROWN HOUSY DOG for adult dogs - 3Kg

Triple Crown Housy Dog is a food for adult dogs created to provide a complete and healthy diet and based on ingredients from nature, all of them studied to cover the appropriate nutritional functions and offer a truly superior flavor to your dog. The balance of its formula provides complete nutrition that contributes to a healthy body condition, making Triple Crown a suitable product to satisfy all the daily nutritional needs of your adult dog.
(This product has a limit set to 10 item(s) per order)
COMPLETE AND BALANCED The balance of its formula provides complete nutrition that contributes to a healthy and ideal body condition. OPTIMAL COMBINATION OF PROTEIN AND FAT For the correct maintenance of the adult dog, OPTIMUM USE OF NUTRIENTS Thanks to the top quality ingredients with which it is made, The balance of its formula provides complete nutrition that contributes to a healthy body condition, making Triple Crown a suitable product to satisfy all the daily nutritional needs of your adult dog. COMPOSITION Cereals (5% rice, 20% corn), MEAT and animal by-products (10% chicken), Oils and fats (10% poultry fat), By-products of vegetable origin, Fish and fish by-products, Mineral substances, Fruits (apple 1000 mg/kg and blueberries 1000 mg/kg) Yeasts (MOS 500mg/kg) ANALYTICAL COMPONENTS Crude protein: 27% - Crude oils and fats: 15% - Crude fiber: 2% - Inorganic matter: 8% - Moisture 10% - Calcium - 2% - Phosphorus 1.30%,