TRIPLE CROWN GOURMET (3Kg - Adult - Flavor: Lamb)

The new Triple Crown GOURMET Dog dog food provides a truly superior flavor to your dog and provides advanced nutrition with ingredients from nature, created so that each one fulfills a vital function in keeping your pet healthy. The balance of its formula provides complete nutrition that contributes to a healthy body condition,
(This product has a limit set to 20 item(s) per order)
making Triple Crown a product suitable to meet all the daily nutritional needs of your adult dog, Contains high quality ingredients and high levels of protein of animal origin, Lamb meat offers highly digestible nutrition, even for the most sensitive dogs, ENRICHED WITH LAMBSource of high quality alternative protein, highly digestible and very tasty,HEALTHY AND SHINY SKINEssential fatty acids: for healthy skin and shiny hair,IngredientsCharacteristicPropertyBenefitProteinHigh quality and very digestibleStrong and healthy muscles, Healthy and shiny hairVitamins and FlavonoidsAntioxidant, Antibiotics, anti-inflammatoryDelay cellular aging, Healthy immune systemVitamins, Fiber and FlavonoidsAntioxidant, AnticancerHealthy digestive system, Delays cellular agingCarbohydrateHigh quality and very digestibleHealthy digestive systemPlant Protein Source of Fiber Source of CarbohydratesDigestibility and AppetizingEnergy and vitality Healthy digestive system COMPOSITIONCereals (6% rice) , Meats and animal by-products (8% poultry, 6% lamb), Oils and fats (10% poultry fat), By-products of plant origin, Fish and fish by-products, Mineral substances, Fruits (apple 1000 mg/kg and blueberries 1000 mg/kg) Yeasts (MOS 500mg/kg)ANALYTICAL COMPONENTSCrude protein: 27% - Crude oils and fats: 15% - Crude fiber: 2% - Inorganic matter: 8% - Moisture 10% - Calcium - 2% - Phosphorus 1 ,30%,